We constantly resist change, seeking refuge in the stable and constant embrace of permanence.
We do this as it offers the illusion of safety and control. However, whenever something changes, we are left feeling challenged and concerned. Stress and anxiety take over and we struggle and rush to shape the new experiences into something familiar again; seeking the stable and the known. Almost as if we are trying to replicate the past again and again, to ensure we are safe and doing the “right” thing.
But the past is not there to dictate the present.
It is there to offer perspective and an opportunity for renewal. We can keep what we like from the past, but the rest can be left as a reminder of things we can reshape. We do have the power to make changes to our environment and to our psyche.
If we think about it and observe the nature of things, change is the most permanent of all.
It would help to acknowledge the fluidity of everything and allow ourselves to breathe. It’s ok to not know everything in advance. It’s ok to not have a solid plan for every next step. Let’s release the pressure of perfection and allow space for change to take place, without our constant input and effort to control and direct.
There is so much change happening externally at every level of society, as well as internally; our consciousness is not able to catch up without taking some time to process, to catalogue, to understand.
How about we collectively give ourselves space?
Let’s breathe. Let’s take things one at a time. We tend to figure out things in the end, so why not trust in the process of change?